S. P. O’Neil, C. A. Weidner, E. A. Jonckheere, F. C. Langbein, S. G. Schirmer. Robustness of Dynamic Quantum Control: Differential Sensitivity Bounds. AVS Quantum Sci. 6, 032001, 2024. [DOI:10.1116/5.0196110] [arXiv:2401.00301] [PDF]
C. A. Weidner, E. A. Reed, J. Monroe, S. O’Neil, E. Maas, E. A. Jonckheere, F. C. Langbein, S. G. Schirmer. Robust Quantum Control in Closed and Open Systems: Theory and Practice. Automatica, 172:111987, 2025. [DIO:10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111987] [arXiv:2401.00294] [PDF]
Finding and Characterising Robust Quantum Controls. Faculti interview with Frank Langbein on robust quantum control, 25th May 2023. [URL: https://faculti.net/finding-and-characterising-robust-quantum-controls/]
Zien Ma, Oktay Karakus, Sophie Shermer, Frank Langbein. Quantification of Metabolites in Magnetic Resonance Spectra with Deep Learning: Insights on Simulated and Real Data. Presentation at the One Day Meeting: Synthetic Data for Machine Learning, The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, Wednesday 8 November 2023. [PDF:abstract]
E Jonckheere, SG Schirmer, FC Langbein, CA Weidner, S O’Neil. Disturbance-agnostic robust performance with structured uncertainties and initial state error in classical versus quantum oscillatory systems. Preprint, 2023. [arXiv:2305.03918] [PDF]
FC Langbein. Control and Machine Learning for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Keynote talk, Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA), 11-12 April 2023. [Slides]
I Khalid, CA Weider, EA Jonckheere, SG Shermer, FC Langbein. Sample-efficient Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Control. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043002, 2023. [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043002] [arXiv:2304.09718] [PDF]
May 2023 – May 2025: Robust, Trapped Ultracold Atom Interferometry For Six-axis Inertial Sensing. EPSRC EP/Y004728/1. PI: CA Weider. CoI: A Clark, S Schirmer, FC Langbein. £579,418.
SP O’Neil, I Khalid, AA Rompokmos, CA Weidner, FC Langbein, S Schirmer, EA Jonckmheere. Analyzing and Unifying Robustness Measures for Excitation Transfer Control in Spin Networks. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:1783-1788, 2023. Also accepted for presentation at the IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC) 2023. [DOI:10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3279797] [arXiv:2303.09518] [PDF]
FC Langbein, SP O’Neil, SG Shermer. Data – Energy Landscape Controllers for XX Spin Rings. Dataset, 2023. [https://qyber.black/spinnet/data-elc-xx-rings] FC Langbein, SP O’Neil, SG Shermer. Results – Energy Landscape Controllers for XX Spin Rings – Robustness. Dataset, 2023. [https://qyber.black/spinnet/results-elc-xx-rings-robustness] SP O’Neil, FC Langbein, SG Shermer. Robustness of Energy Landscape Controllers for […]
S O’Neil, FC Langbein, E Jonckheere, SG Shermer. Robustness of Energy Landscape Control to Dephasing. Research Directions: Quantum Technologies, 1, E13, 2023. [DOI:10.1017/qut.2023.6] [arXiv:2303.05649] [PDF]