
Frank C Langbein is a lecturer in Computer Science at Cardiff University leading the Quantum Technologies and Engineering (QuTeE) research priority area and a member of the Visual Computing research group. He received a PhD from Cardiff University in 2003 for a thesis on beautification of reverse engineered geometric models and a diploma (MSc) in mathematics from Stuttgart University in 1998. He is working on quantum control, computational modelling, machine learning, applied geometry and visual computing.

2017- Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, Cardiff University
2002-2017 Lecturer, School of Computer Science, Cardiff University
1999-2002 Research assistant, Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University
1999 System administrator, Mathematical Institute A, Stuttgart University
1994-1998 System administrator, Mathematical Institute B, Stuttgart University
1993 Teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, Stuttgart University
1991-1996 Owner of a small computer business

Other Positions

2009-2013 Sub-programme lead, One Wales Research Institute of Visual Computing; co-lead of sub-programme on vision-based geometric modelling and the interface with science.
2008-2009 Visitor, University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambrige, UK; at the quantum control group of S. G. Schirmer, dates are approximate.
2003 Visitor, University of Auckland, Department of Computer Science, Auckland, New Zealand; working on watermarking of geometric models with C Thomborson.
Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Jobs," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 1st January 1995, [accessed 8th February 2025]'.

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