Asmail Muftah, SM Shermer, Frank C Langbein. Texture Feature Analysis for Classification of Early-Stage Prostate Cancer in mpMRI. Proc AI in Healthcare (AIiH), Swansea, UK, September 2024. [PDF] [arXiv:2406.15571]
E Alwadee, X Sun, Y Qin, FC Langbein. Assessing and Enhancing the Robustness of Brain Tumor Segmentation using a Probabilistic Deep Learning Architecture. Proc ISMRM and ISMRT Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore, May 2024. [PDF] [Slides:PDF] [Video]
E Alwadee, X Sun, Y Qin, FC Langbein. LATUP-Net: A Lightweight 3D Attention U-Net with Parallel Convolutions for Brain Tumor Segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 184:109353, 2025. [DOI:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.109353] [arXiv:2404.05911] [PDF]
Frank C Langbein. Metabolite Quantification with AI from MR Spectra. Cardiff/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) Workshop on Visual Computing, 29th January 2024. [PDF]