Monte Carlo simulation of Spin Transport and Recovery in a 25 nm gate length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor

B. Thorpe, Sophie Schirmer, Karol Kalna, Frank Langbein. Monte Carlo simulation of Spin Transport and Recovery in a 25 nm gate length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor. In: European Materials Resdarch Society 2017 Fall Meeting, Symposium F: Spintronics in semiconductors, 2D materials and topological insulators, F.FP.7, 2017. [WWW]

Electron spin in semiconductor devices can enable novel devices with a wide variety of potential applications like spin field effect transistors (SpinFETs), considered as a future candidate for high performance computing and memory applications with ultra-low power consumption. Here, we apply finite-element quantum-corrected ensemble Monte Carlo self-consistent device simulations with electron spin to a nanoscale III- V field effect transistor to investigate a spin transport. The simulations include spin as a separate degree of freedom via a spin density matrix. The spin-orbit interaction assumes the D’yakonov-Perel mechanism with two
terms: the Dresselhaus, and Rashba Hamiltonians which account for spin-orbit coupling due to bulk (crystal) inversion asymmetry and structural inversion asymmetry respectively.

We then investigate the spin dynamics across the channel of a 25nm gate length In0.3Ga0.7As MOSFET. but only the source electrode is ferromagnetic. We vary both the drain and gate biases and apply mechanical strain. The electron spins initially decays as the electrons traverse the channel from the source at approximately 10nm past the gate. However, magnetisation then partially recovers as the electrons approach the drain. Since the drain electrode is non-magnetic, the recovery of the magnetization cannot be attributed to existing polarized carriers inside the drain but must be assumed to be due to partial re-phasing of electron spins resulting in a net magnetization.

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Monte Carlo simulation of Spin Transport and Recovery in a 25 nm gate length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 25th July 2017, [accessed 3rd March 2025]'.

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