PIDS is an algorithm for simplifying mathematical expressions, implemented in emacs lisp. pids-1.0.tar.gz – PIDS Version 1.0. If you use this code please cite
Yearly archives: 1995

F. C. Langbein, S. G. Schirmer, K. Organtzoglou. The PIDS Algorithm. Technical Report, Mathematical Institute A, Stuttgart University, 1995. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2798.4728] [PDF]
The PIDS Algorithm

Memberships American Mathematical Society British Science Association The Geometric Modelling Society IEEE IEEE Computer Society IEEE Rebooting Computing Community IEEE Life Sciences Community IEEE Internet of Things Community IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing Science […]
Networks and Memberships

“Crazy am I? We’ll see whether I’m crazy or not!” (Dr. Frankenstein in the 1931 classic movie, ogg file) Scientist, working on quantum control, computational modelling, machine learning, applied geometry and visual computing. Dark witch, who does not believe but thinks. Geek, developing free software and beyond – libertas aut […]
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I prefer e-mail over any other form of communication. I answer any reasonable e-mail addressed to me personally, but sometimes you have to be patient, very patient. If possible, please encrypt your message with one of the keys below. If you would like to meet me in person it is […]
Frank C Langbein is a lecturer in Computer Science at Cardiff University leading the Quantum Technologies and Engineering (QuTeE) research priority area and a member of the Visual Computing research group. He received a PhD from Cardiff University in 2003 for a thesis on beautification of reverse engineered geometric models […]
PhD Students Ogechukwu Ukwandu, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University, UK. Meagan Hough, University of Bristol, UK Sean P. O’Neil, University of Southern California, USA. Zien Ma, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University, UK. Ebtihal Alwadee, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University, UK. Irtaza, […]
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