Part of my research evolves around geometric modelling with some topics related to computer graphics and vision. A particular direction is reverse engineering in the sense of generating computational descriptions of artefacts and natural objects and detecting patterns in the measured data suitable for analysis, modification and simulation applications. I am also working on point-based modelling, curves and surfaces, mesh processing, and related issues in differential and computational geometry.
M. Li, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin. Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models. In: M.-S. Kim, K. Shimada (eds), Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing, Springer LNCS, 4077:267-286, 2006. [DOI:10.1007/11802914_19] [PDF]
J. A. Quinn, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin, G. Elber. Density-Controlled Sampling of Parametric Surfaces Using Adaptive Space-Filling Curves. In: M.-S. Kim, K. Shimada (eds), Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing, Springer LNCS, 4077:465-484, 2006. [DOI:10.1007/11802914_33] [PDF]
S. Liu, R. R. Martin, F. C. Langbein, P. L. Rosin. Segmenting Reliefs on Triangle Meshes. In: Proc. ACM Symp. Solid and Physical Modeling, pp. 7-16, 2006. [DOI:10.1145/1128888.1128890] [PDF]
December 2005 – December 2009: Filtering and Processing of Irregular Meshes with Uncertainties. EPSRC EP/C007972/1. PI: P. L. Rosin, CoI: N. C. Mitchell, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. £260,742.
June 2005 – June 2009: Smoothing Boundary Curves. ESPRC GR/T24579/01. PI: R. R. Martin, CoI: F. C. Langbein. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £196.722.
February 2005 – February 2008: Reverse Engineering of Reliefs. EPSRC GR/T24425/01. PI: RR Martin, CoI: AD Marshall, FC Langbein, PL Rosin. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £200,425.
A suitable watermarking scheme has to be sufficiently reliable such that it is feasible to use it as a mean to resolve disputes over ownership or origin of a particular object in the context of a court of law or similar situations. It should be infeasible to remove the watermark […]
C. H. Gao, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Local Topological Beautification of Reverse Engineered Models. Computer-Aided Design, 36(13):1337-1355, 2004. [DOI:10.1016/j.cad.2004.02.004] [PDF]
C. H. Gao, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marhall, R. R. Martin, Y. Li, Z. Yang. Partial Approximate Symmetry Detection of Geometric Model. Materials Science Forum, 471-472:702-706, 2004. [DOI:10.4028/0-87849-956-3.702]
F.C. Langbein. Design Intent of Geometric Models. Invited seminar talk, Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University at Albany, 22nd September 2004. [PDF]