
Computer graphics is the art and science of representing and manipulating information using images generated through computation. This involves the study of (i) models suitable for manipulating and viewing shapes, (ii) real-time and realistic rendering techniques for these models, and (iii) devices for viewing and interacting with the models.

This module offers an introduction to the fundamental concepts, techniques and tools in computer graphics. It introduces the basic functionality of graphics devices and investigates the principles and techniques for representing, creating, manipulating and analysing 2D and 3D shapes. In particular it focuses on techniques for creating real-time and realistic images of 3D scenes. It is aimed at third year BSc in Computing students in the UK system.


The material to generate the slides, etc. for this course is also available as .tar.gz archives. These are not necessarily the latest sources used to generate the pdf files for this module, but represent complete, stable releases.

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Graphics," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 13th February 2009, [accessed 15th January 2025]'.

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