This is software for denoising meshes using the technique described in our paper “Fast and Effective Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising”. mdenoise-1.1.tar – Mesh Denoising Version 1.1. If you use this code please cite one of these publications:

Mesh Denoising Algorithm

Artificial intelligence is concerned with the design and analysis of autonomous systems. These are software systems and/or physical machines, with sensors and actuators, embodied for example within a robot, an autonomous spacecraft or a computer controlled game character. An intelligent system has to perceive its environment, to act rationally towards […]

Artificial Intelligence

Xianfang Sun, Paul L. Rosin, Ralph R. Martin, Frank C. Langbein. Noise Analysis and Synthesis for 3D Laser Depth Scanners. Graphical Models [Special issue on IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2008 – SMI 08], 71(2):34-48, 2009. [DOI:10.1016/j.gmod.2008.12.002] [PDF]

Noise Analysis and Synthesis for 3D Laser Depth Scanners