Artificial intelligence is concerned with the design and analysis of autonomous systems. These are software systems and/or physical machines, with sensors and actuators, embodied for example within a robot, an autonomous spacecraft or a computer controlled game character. An intelligent system has to perceive its environment, to act rationally towards […]

Artificial Intelligence

Xianfang Sun, Paul L. Rosin, Ralph R. Martin, Frank C. Langbein. Noise Analysis and Synthesis for 3D Laser Depth Scanners. Graphical Models [Special issue on IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2008 – SMI 08], 71(2):34-48, 2009. [DOI:10.1016/j.gmod.2008.12.002] [PDF]

Noise Analysis and Synthesis for 3D Laser Depth Scanners

Computer graphics is the art and science of representing and manipulating information using images generated through computation. This involves the study of (i) models suitable for manipulating and viewing shapes, (ii) real-time and realistic rendering techniques for these models, and (iii) devices for viewing and interacting with the models. This […]


2009-2013: RIVIC: One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing. WAG (HEFCW) via Bangor University. Consortium: R. R. Martin, N. J. Avis, A. D. Marshall, P. L. Rosin, F. C. Langbein at Cardiff University, with Bangor University (lead), Aberystwyth University, Swansea University. £998,011.

RIVIC: One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing

Xianfang Sun, Paul L. Rosin, Ralph R. Martin, Frank C. Langbein. Random Walks for Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising. Computer-Aided Geometric Design [Solid and Physical Modeling – Selected papers from the Solid and Physical Modeling and Applications Symposium 2007 (SPM 2007)], 25(7):437-456, 2008. [DOI:10.1016/j.cagd.2007.12.008] [PDF]

Random Walks for Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising

BA National Science & Engineering Week
Practical Applications of Quantum Physics and How these Might Transform Society. A lecture on the fundamentals of quantum physics with hands-on demonstrations and a discussion of the potential impact of quantum technology on everyone’s life.

NSEW 2008: Quantum Engineering

LEAP, the Linux-Equipped Astronauts Project, is a project to port to Linux those applications that the astronauts use on their laptops, so that each astronaut has a choice of operating systems. We know that several of the astronauts already use Linux at home, and would appreciate being able to use […]

LEAP Overview