Structured Singular Value Analysis for Spintronics Network Information Transfer Control

E. A. Jonckheere, S. G. Schirmer, F.C. Langbein. Structured Singular Value Analysis for Spintronics network Information Transfer Control. IEEE Trans Automatic Control, 62(12):6568-6574, 2017. [DOI:10.1109/TAC.2017.2714623][arxiv:1706.03247][PDF]

Classically inspired robust performance design showing a fictitious perturbation \Delta_P feedback from performance output to disturbance input

Control laws for selective transfer of information encoded in excitations of a quantum network, based on shaping the energy landscape using time-invariant, spatially-varying bias fields, can be successfully designed using numerical optimization. Such control laws, already departing from classicality by replacing closed-loop asymptotic stability with alternative notions of localization, have the intriguing property that for all practical purposes they achieve the upper bound on the fidelity, yet the (logarithmic) sensitivity of the fidelity to such structured perturbation as spin coupling errors and bias field leakages is nearly vanishing. Here, these differential sensitivity results are extended to large structured variations using $\mu$-design tools to reveal a crossover region in the space of controllers where objectives usually thought to be conflicting are actually concordant.

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Structured Singular Value Analysis for Spintronics Network Information Transfer Control," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 10th June 2017, [accessed 22nd February 2025]'.

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