December 2005 – December 2009: Filtering and Processing of Irregular Meshes with Uncertainties. EPSRC EP/C007972/1. PI: P. L. Rosin, CoI: N. C. Mitchell, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. £260,742.
June 2005 – June 2009: Smoothing Boundary Curves. ESPRC GR/T24579/01. PI: R. R. Martin, CoI: F. C. Langbein. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £196.722.
Smoothing Boundary Curves
February 2005 – February 2008: Reverse Engineering of Reliefs. EPSRC GR/T24425/01. PI: RR Martin, CoI: AD Marshall, FC Langbein, PL Rosin. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £200,425.
Reverse Engineering of Reliefs
July 2004 – July 2007: Detection of Design Intent in Complex Approximate Geometric Models. EPSRC GR/S69085/01. PI: F. C. Langbein. £123,639.
Detection of Design Intent in Complex Approximate Geometric Models
2004-2007: Watermarking geometric models. New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology through a subcontract from the University of Auckland via Clark Thomborson. Investigator: F. C. Langbein. £61,000.
Watermarking geometric models
2003: Theory and algorithms for geometric constraint systems. The Nuffield Foundation, NUF-NAL 00638/G. Investigator: F. C. Langbein. £6,000.
Theory and algorithms for geometric constraint systems
September 1999 – June 2003: Beautification of Reverse Engineered Geometric Models, EPSRC GR/M78267/01. PI: R. R. Martin, CoI: A. D. Marshall, P. M. Hall. £310,527.