September 1999 – June 2003: Beautification of Reverse Engineered Geometric Models, EPSRC GR/M78267/01. PI: R. R. Martin, CoI: A. D. Marshall, P. M. Hall. £310,527.
Yearly archives: 1999

Solar eclipse on the 11th of August 1999, from Bucharest.
Solar Eclipse 11th August 1999
F. C. Langbein. LiLit – Visualisierung von Funktionalen auf Freiformflächen [LiLit – Visualization of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces]. Research Seminar, Second Chair, Mathematical Instiute A, Stuttgart University, June, 1999. [PDF]
LiLit – Visualisierung von Funktionalen auf Freiformflächen

F. C. Langbein. Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces. Diploma thesis, Mathematical Institute A, 2nd Chair, Stuttgart University, May 1999. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2634.6321] [PDF]
Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces

LiLit is a program to visualize functionals on freeform surfaces. It uses biquadratic g-splines to display surfaces and functions, which are defined by a control mesh for the surface and the function from some file in a special input format. It can run the Doo-Sabin subdivision algorithm on the control […]