Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces

F. C. Langbein. Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces. Diploma thesis, Mathematical Institute A, 2nd Chair, Stuttgart University, May 1999. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2634.6321] [PDF]

Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces

Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces

Supervised by Prof. Dr. Klaus Höllig and Dr. Ulrich Reif

A model to represent continuously differentiable functionals on geometrically smooth surfaces using biquadratic splines is presented and the main algorithms for the program LiLit, which has be implemented as part of this diploma thesis, are discussed.

Please note that the complete text is only available in German. The extended abstract is also available in English and the program LiLit comes with some English documentation.

Twisted Eight

Twisted Eight

Extended Abstract
English abstract (PDF)
English abstract (PS)
German abstract (PDF)
German abstract (PS)
Diploma Thesis
German text (PDF)
German text (PS)
German text (HTML)

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 1st May 1999, [accessed 15th January 2025]'.

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