F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Finding Approximate Shape Regularities for Reverse Engineering. J. Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 1(4): 282-290, 2001. [DOI:10.1115/1.1430232] [PDF]
F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Recognizing Geometric Patterns for Beautification of Reconstructed Solid Models. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Shape Modelling and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 10-19, 2001. [DOI:10.1109/SMA.2001.923370] [PDF]
F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Recognizing Geometric Regularities for Beautification of Reconstructed Solid Models. Invited departmental talk, Department of Maths and Statistics, Murray State University, Kentucky, USA, June 2001. [PDF]
F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Finding Approximate Shape Regularities in Solid Models Bounded by Simple Surfaces. ACM Symp. Solid Modeling and Applications, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 6-8 June, 2001. [PDF]
B. I. Mills, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Approximate Symmetry Detection for Reverse Engineering. ACM Symp. Solid Modeling and Applications, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 6-8 June, 2001. [PDF]
F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Recognizing Geometric Patterns for Beautification of Reconstructed Solid Models. Int. Conf. Shape Modelling and Applications, Genova, Italy, 7-11 May, 2001. [PDF]
B. I. Mills, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Approximate Symmetry Detection for Reverse Engineering. In: D. C. Anderson, K. Lee (eds), Proc. ACM Symp. Solid Modelling and Applications, pp. 241-248, 2001. [DOI:10.1145/376957.376985] [PDF]
F. C. Langbein, B. I. Mills, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Finding Approximate Shape Regularities in Reverse Engineered Solid Models Bounded by Simple Surfaces. In: D. C. Anderson, K. Lee (eds), Proc. ACM Symp. Solid Modelling and Applications, pp. 206-216, 2001. [DOI:10.1145/376957.376981] [PDF]
B. I. Mills, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. Estimate of Frequencies of Geometric Regularities for Use in Reverse Engineering of Simple Mechanical Components. Technical Report GVG 2001-1, Computational Geometry and Computer Vision Group, Dept. Computer Science, Cardiff University, 2001. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3683.2087] [PDF]