S Schirmer, F Langbein, C Jenkins, M Chandler. Design of novel MRI pulse sequences for GABA quantification using optimal control. In: 4th Int Symp on MRS of GABA, 2017.
C Jenkins, M Chandler, F Langbein, S Schirmer. Modelling, Optimization and QA for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. All Wales Medical Physics and Engineering Summer Meeting, short talk and poster, 2017. [PDF]
M Chandler, F Langbein, C Jenkins, S Schirmer. Quantum Control for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. All Wales Medical Physics and Engineering Summer Meeting, poster, 2017. [PDF]
B. Thorpe, Sophie Schirmer, Karol Kalna, Frank Langbein. Monte Carlo simulation of Spin Transport and Recovery in a 25 nm gate length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor. In: European Materials Resdarch Society 2017 Fall Meeting, Symposium F: Spintronics in semiconductors, 2D materials and topological insulators, F.FP.7, 2017. [WWW]