Spin Recovery in the 25nm Gate Length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor

B. Thorpe, K. Kalna, F. C. Langbein, S. G. Schirmer. Spin Recovery in the 25nm Gate Length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor. In: Proc. Int. Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology, pp. 168-169, Windermere, UK, 6-9 June, 2017. [Abstract] [Poster] [WWW]

Rashba and Dresselhaus mean field vectors $H_R$ and $H_D$ , obtained by averaging over all particles in thin slices across the channel for a single Monte Carlo run ($V_G =0.9 V$, $V_D = 0.5 V$). The z-axis is in plane perpendicular to the channel but for the vector plots the axes have been rotated so that $H_z$ is in the vertical direction for visual clarity.

We augmented an ensemble Monte-Carlo semiconductor device simulator [3] to incorporate electron spin degrees of freedom using a Bloch equation model to investigate the feasibility of spintronic devices. Results are presented for the steady state polarization and polarization decay due to scattering and spin orbit coupling for a III-V MOSFET device as a function of gate voltages, injection polarization and strain.

Received 1 of 4 honourable mentions in the student poster competition.

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Spin Recovery in the 25nm Gate Length InGaAs Field Effect Transistor," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 11th June 2017, https://langbein.org/2017iwcn/ [accessed 22nd October 2024]'.

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