Part of my research evolves around geometric modelling with some topics related to computer graphics and vision. A particular direction is reverse engineering in the sense of generating computational descriptions of artefacts and natural objects and detecting patterns in the measured data suitable for analysis, modification and simulation applications. I am also working on point-based modelling, curves and surfaces, mesh processing, and related issues in differential and computational geometry.
F. C. Langbein. Visualisation of Functionals on Freeform Surfaces. Diploma thesis, Mathematical Institute A, 2nd Chair, Stuttgart University, May 1999. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2634.6321] [PDF]
LiLit is a program to visualize functionals on freeform surfaces. It uses biquadratic g-splines to display surfaces and functions, which are defined by a control mesh for the surface and the function from some file in a special input format. It can run the Doo-Sabin subdivision algorithm on the control […]