
Monster example regularity feature tree construction for the method published in “Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models”.


Faces: 282
Regularity Features: 59
Regularity Feature Tree depth: 4
Time: 27.50s

The regularity feature tree decomposition for the Monster part is shown below. On the first decomposition level 10 edge-connected solids are produced, two of which are (a) and (d). The other edge-connected solids are simple cylinders which do not decompose further. Sub-part (a) leads to 29 negative regularity features at the next level in the tree as shown in (b), and results in the updated model (c), which is further decomposed into two rectangular blocks. Note that (b) properly identifies the congruent negative regularity features in a regular translational arrangement. Similarly, (d) leads to 16 negative solids as shown in (e). The resulting updated model is shown in (f), which is further decomposed into a positive and a negative cylinder. In (e) the symmetric arrangement of the negative regularity features has been extracted explicitly. Overall the decomposition reveals the rotational symmetries of the main cylinder as well as the regular translational arrangement of congruent regularity features at the sides. The regularity features at the leaves of the tree are simple and regular, which would allow easy subsequent regularity analysis.

monster-C11 monster-C1DS monster-C1U
(a) (b) (c)
monster-C22 monster-C2DS monster-C2U
(d) (4) (f)
Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Monster," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 26th July 2006, [accessed 22nd February 2025]'.

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