February 2005 – February 2008: Reverse Engineering of Reliefs. EPSRC GR/T24425/01. PI: RR Martin, CoI: AD Marshall, FC Langbein, PL Rosin. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £200,425.

Reverse Engineering of Reliefs

A suitable watermarking scheme has to be sufficiently reliable such that it is feasible to use it as a mean to resolve disputes over ownership or origin of a particular object in the context of a court of law or similar situations. It should be infeasible to remove the watermark […]


F.C. Langbein. Design Intent of Geometric Models. Invited seminar talk, Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University at Albany, 22nd September 2004. [PDF]

Design Intent of Geometric Models

F. C. Langbein. Design Intent of Geometric Models. Invited seminar talk, Dept. Computer Science, Auckland University, 15th September 2004. [PDF]

Design Intent of Geometric Models