
Articles written for Frank C Langbein’s site on his research, software, teaching, and more.

LEAP, the Linux-Equipped Astronauts Project, is a project to port to Linux those applications that the astronauts use on their laptops, so that each astronaut has a choice of operating systems. We know that several of the astronauts already use Linux at home, and would appreciate being able to use […]

LEAP Overview

Low-Discrepancy Sampling This is the PhD work of Jonathan Quinn about creating low-discrepancy sampling sequwnces of surfaces utilising space-filling curves. This has been applied to point-based rendering, remeshing and robotic painting (in collaboration with Jonathan Corney and Finlay McPherson). Jonathan’s supervisors are Frank Langbein and Ralph Martin.

Point Sampling

A suitable watermarking scheme has to be sufficiently reliable such that it is feasible to use it as a mean to resolve disputes over ownership or origin of a particular object in the context of a court of law or similar situations. It should be infeasible to remove the watermark […]


Monster Overview
Our approach is based on two ideas: (1) decomposing a model into suitable sub-parts simplifies finding regularities, which are less ambiguous compared to analysing the model as one part; and (2) detecting approximate symmetries and related regularities reveals a likely design intent description, but requires careful handling of tolerances to […]

Design Intent Detection

Astarte is intended to become a general object oriented development and user environment specifically aimed for scientific applications. Many scientific projects require complex software. Usually software developed for a certain research project cannot easily be applied or used by other projects. An expandable and adaptable environment especially designed for scientific […]

Astarte Overview

DeLia intends to address those problems as a universal packaging, configuration and administration system. Instead of setting exact requirements for the configuration of a system the intention is to provide a flexible approach to the configuration within a fixed, but general framework of options. However, at this stage it does […]

DeLiA Overview