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May 2023 – May 2025: Robust, Trapped Ultracold Atom Interferometry For Six-axis Inertial Sensing. EPSRC EP/Y004728/1. PI: CA Weider. CoI: A Clark, S Schirmer, FC Langbein. £579,418.
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September 2018 – August 2020: US-UK International Student Research in Robust Control of Quantum Networks. PI: E Jonckheere (University of Southern California) with SG Schirmer (Swansea University) and FC Langbein (Cardiff University). NSF #1829078 OISE IRES ASI – Track II. USD164,503.
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June 2015 – August 2015: Pulse Sequence Programming for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Earth’s Magnetic Field. PI: F. C. Langbein. CUROP Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme. £1,440.
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January 2015 – December 2017: Data-Driven Simulation of Quantum Spin Network Devices. PI: F. C. Langbein with S. G. Schirmer (Swansea University), K. Kalna (Swansea University), A. Martinez (Swansea University), D. Burgarth (Aberystwyth University). £120K.
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August 2014 – August 2015: Cardiff University Research Leave Fellowship. Teaching replacement costs and £3,000 support.
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October 2013 – March 2016: Closed loop optimisation for sustainable chemical manufacture. EPSRC EP/L003309/1. PI: RJ Whitby, CoI: D Woods, FC Langbein, A Nordon, A Lapkin. Industrial partners: Cyclofluidic Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline, Syngenta. £973,523.
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August 2012 – July 2015: QUAINT – Optimal Control Technologies in Quantum Information Processing. Coordinator: University of Southampton (I. Kuprov) with Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Czech Republic, Universität Ulm, Germany, Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Germany, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, Universität Kassel, Germany, Technisch Universität München, Germany, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark, Universite de Bourgogne, France, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, The University of Nottingham, UK, Cardiff University, UK, Swansea University, UK. FP7-ICT-2011-C, ICT-2011.9.1 – Challenging current Thinking, CSA – Coordination & support action, ref 297861. EUR 399,901.
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January 2012 – December 2015. ITN INSIST: Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology. Coordinator: Bauhaus University, Germany (T. Rabczuk, M. Tur) with Cardiff University, UK (S. Bordas, P. Kerfriden, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (B. Jüttler), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (J. J. R. García), Carnegie Melon, USA (Y. Zhang), UCSD, USA (Yuri Bazilevs), Cenaero (O. Pierard, N. Poletz), Simpleware (P. Young), inuTech GmbH, Germany (F. Vogel), Transcendata (G. Butlin), Numerical Geometry (M. Sabin). FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, Marie-Curie Action: Initial Training Networks, ref 289361. EUR 3,839,831.
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2009: Human Computation for Interpreting 2D Sketches of 3D Objects. The Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursary 36899. F. C. Langbein, D. Bowen. £1,440.
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2009-2013: RIVIC: One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing. WAG (HEFCW) via Bangor University. Consortium: R. R. Martin, N. J. Avis, A. D. Marshall, P. L. Rosin, F. C. Langbein at Cardiff University, with Bangor University (lead), Aberystwyth University, Swansea University. £998,011.
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2008: Density-controlled low-discrepancy sampling and meshing of 3D geometric models. The Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursary 35473. F. C. Langbein, K. S. Sullivan. £1,400.
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2008: Quantum engineering – practical applications of quantum physics and how these might transform society. Welsh Assembly Government via the BA, National Science and Engineering Week. Lead: F. C. Langbein. £500.
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December 2005 – December 2009: Filtering and Processing of Irregular Meshes with Uncertainties. EPSRC EP/C007972/1. PI: P. L. Rosin, CoI: N. C. Mitchell, F. C. Langbein, A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin. £260,742.
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June 2005 – June 2009: Smoothing Boundary Curves. ESPRC GR/T24579/01. PI: R. R. Martin, CoI: F. C. Langbein. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £196.722.
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February 2005 – February 2008: Reverse Engineering of Reliefs. EPSRC GR/T24425/01. PI: RR Martin, CoI: AD Marshall, FC Langbein, PL Rosin. Industrial partner: Delcam Int PLC. £200,425.
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July 2004 – July 2007: Detection of Design Intent in Complex Approximate Geometric Models. EPSRC GR/S69085/01. PI: F. C. Langbein. £123,639.
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2004-2007: Watermarking geometric models. New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology through a subcontract from the University of Auckland via Clark Thomborson. Investigator: F. C. Langbein. £61,000.
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2003: Theory and algorithms for geometric constraint systems. The Nuffield Foundation, NUF-NAL 00638/G. Investigator: F. C. Langbein. £6,000.
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