2004-2007: Watermarking geometric models. New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology through a subcontract from the University of Auckland via Clark Thomborson. Investigator: F. C. Langbein. £61,000.

Watermarking geometric models

Monster Overview
Our approach is based on two ideas: (1) decomposing a model into suitable sub-parts simplifies finding regularities, which are less ambiguous compared to analysing the model as one part; and (2) detecting approximate symmetries and related regularities reveals a likely design intent description, but requires careful handling of tolerances to […]

Design Intent Detection

FReg is the implementation of an algorithm to detect approximate symmetries of point sets and B-rep models. It has been developed as part of the Beautification of reverse engineered geometric models project. The algorithm has been implemented originally by B. I. Mills. I am currently maintaining the sources. The main […]


SiL is an environment for geometric modelling applications. It’s core is an object manager especially tailored for geometric objects. It can load modules dynamically to provide the object types and the basic functionality for these objects. In addition tools can be added as plugins to provide a user front-end to […]


F. C. Langbein. Beautification of Reverse Engineered Geometric Models. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, June 2003. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1061.7688] [PDF] [LaTeX (tar.gz)] [LaTeX (tar.bz2)]

Beautification of Reverse Engineered Geometric Models

Astarte is intended to become a general object oriented development and user environment specifically aimed for scientific applications. Many scientific projects require complex software. Usually software developed for a certain research project cannot easily be applied or used by other projects. An expandable and adaptable environment especially designed for scientific […]

Astarte Overview