I am interested in modelling, simulating, learning and controlling quantum systems with applications in quantum technologies, often related to spin dynamics. A particular interesting aspect of this is to learn physical laws of a system to enable to control it. Applications are focused on quantum spin networks, spintronics, magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, and chemical synthesis.
JE Evans, G Burwell, FC Langbein, SG Shermer, K Kalna. Dilute Magnetic Contact for a Spin GaN HEMT. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics Conference (SIOE) Conference, Cardiff, 16-18 April, 2019. [PDF]
Christopher Jenkins, Max Chandler, Frank Langbein, Sophie Shermer. Quantification of edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a comparative phantom based study of analysis methods. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11th-16th May 2019. [PDF]
B. Thorpe, F. Langbein, S. Schirmer, K. Kalna. Temperature Affected Non-Equilibrium Spin Transport in Nanoscale In0.3Ga0.7As Transistors. 20th International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN), 20-24th May 20-24, 2019. [PDF]
Frank C Langbein, Sophie G Shermer, Karol Kalna, Jon Evans, Greg Burwell. Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors for Spintronics: Mn:GaN. Cardiff Materials Research Network Conference, 17-18th January, 2019. [Slides] [Poster]
September 2018 – August 2020: US-UK International Student Research in Robust Control of Quantum Networks. PI: E Jonckheere (University of Southern California) with SG Schirmer (Swansea University) and FC Langbein (Cardiff University). NSF #1829078 OISE IRES ASI – Track II. USD164,503.
S. Schirmer, E. Jonckheere, S. O’Neil, F. C. Langbein. Robustness of energy landscape control for spin networks under decoherence. Proc. IEEE 57th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, pp. 6608-6613, 2018. [DOI:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619179] [arXiv:1808.01256] [PDF]
B. Thorpe, S. Schirmer, K. Kalna, F. C. Langbein. Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Transport in an InGaAs Field Effect Transistor. 34th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS2018), Poster P3_176, 29th July to 3rd August 2018.
Sean O’Neil, Edmond Jonckheere, Sophie Schirmer, Frank Langbein. Sensitivity and Robustness of Quantum Spin-1/2 Rings to Parameter Uncertainty. Proc. IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, VIC, pp. 6137-6142, 2017. [DOI:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264584] [arXiv:1708.09649] [PDF]
S Schirmer, F Langbein, C Jenkins, M Chandler. Design of novel MRI pulse sequences for GABA quantification using optimal control. In: 4th Int Symp on MRS of GABA, 2017.
C Jenkins, M Chandler, F Langbein, S Schirmer. Modelling, Optimization and QA for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. All Wales Medical Physics and Engineering Summer Meeting, short talk and poster, 2017. [PDF]