Regularity Feature Tree Construction

The following software constructs regularity feature trees for design intent detection. It has been implemented on Linux in C++ (gcc 3.3) and Matlab using OpenCascade 5.2.

If you use this code please cite one of these publications:

  • M. Li, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin. Detecting Design Intent in Approximate CAD Models Using Symmetry. Computer-Aided Design, 42(3):183-201, 2010.

  • F. C. Langbein, M. Li, R. R. Martin. A Comment on ‘Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models’. In: Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing, Proc. Geometric Modelling and Processing, Springer LNCS, 4975:603, 2008.

  • M. Li, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin. Detecting Approximate Symmetries of Discrete Point Subsets. Computer-Aided Design, 40(1):76-93, 2008.

  • M. Li, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin. Detecting Approximate Incomplete Symmetries in Discrete Point Sets. In: Proc. ACM Symp. Solid and Physical Modeling, pp. 335-340, ACM Siggraph 2007.

  • M. Li, X.-S. Gao, S.-C. Chou. Quadratic Approximation to Plane Parametric Curves and its Application in Approximate Implicitization. The Visual Computer, 22(9-11):906-917, 2006.

  • M. Li, F. C. Langbein, R. R. Martin. Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models. In: M.-S. Kim, K. Shimada (eds), Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing, Springer LNCS, 4077:267-286, 2006.

Cite this page as 'Frank C Langbein, "Regularity Feature Tree Construction," Ex Tenebris Scientia, 20th July 2007, [accessed 23rd October 2024]'.

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