May 2023 – May 2025: Robust, Trapped Ultracold Atom Interferometry For Six-axis Inertial Sensing. EPSRC EP/Y004728/1. PI: CA Weider. CoI: A Clark, S Schirmer, FC Langbein. £579,418.

September 2018 – August 2020: US-UK International Student Research in Robust Control of Quantum Networks. PI: E Jonckheere (University of Southern California) with SG Schirmer (Swansea University) and FC Langbein (Cardiff University). NSF #1829078 OISE IRES ASI – Track II. USD164,503.
US-UK Advanced Studies Institute in Robust Control of Quantum Networks

June 2015 - August 2015: Pulse Sequence Programming for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Earth's Magnetic Field. CUROP. £1,440.
Pulse Sequence Programming for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Earth’s ...

January 2015 - December 2017: Data-Driven Simulation of Quantum Spin Network Devices. PI: F. C. Langbein with S. G. Schirmer, K. Kalna, A. Martinez, D. Burgarth.
Data-Driven Simulation of Quantum Spin Network Devices

August 2014 - August 2015: Cardiff University Research Leave Fellowship for Frank C Langbein. Teaching replacement costs and £3,000 support.
Cardiff University Research Leave Fellowship
October 2013 – March 2016: Closed loop optimisation for sustainable chemical manufacture. EPSRC EP/L003309/1. PI: RJ Whitby, CoI: D Woods, FC Langbein, A Nordon, A Lapkin. Industrial partners: Cyclofluidic Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline, Syngenta. £973,523.
Closed loop optimisation for sustainable chemical manufacture

QUAINT - Optimal Control Technologies in Quantum Information Processing. UK. FP7-ICT-2011-C, CSA - Coordination & support action, ref 297861.
QUAINT: Optimal Control Technologies in Quantum Information Processing

ITN INSIST: Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology. FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, Marie-Curie Action: Initial Training Networks, 289361.
ITN INSIST: Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology
2009: Human Computation for Interpreting 2D Sketches of 3D Objects. The Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursary 36899. F. C. Langbein, D. Bowen. £1,440.
Human Computation for Interpreting 2D Sketches of 3D Objects
2009-2013: RIVIC: One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing. WAG (HEFCW) via Bangor University. Consortium: R. R. Martin, N. J. Avis, A. D. Marshall, P. L. Rosin, F. C. Langbein at Cardiff University, with Bangor University (lead), Aberystwyth University, Swansea University. £998,011.
RIVIC: One Wales Research Institute for Visual Computing
2008: Density-controlled low-discrepancy sampling and meshing of 3D geometric models. The Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursary 35473. F. C. Langbein, K. S. Sullivan. £1,400.
Density-controlled low-discrepancy sampling and meshing of 3D geometric models
2008: Quantum engineering – practical applications of quantum physics and how these might transform society. Welsh Assembly Government via the BA, National Science and Engineering Week. Lead: F. C. Langbein. £500.